Most of it can be made from any
material that you have available, you may have to buy the
angle iron,the dimensions are only suggestions, the
important part is making sure the runners are square to the
box. Assemble the base as shown using 3/4"
material, these dimensions will allow you to cut a finished
2 X6 (1 1/2" X 5 1/2"), to cut landscape ties or 4X4's a
narrower version with higher sides can be made, you will
have to make one cut and then turn the material over and
make a second cut. The runners are made from 3/4"angle
iron 24" long, drill and countersink two holes in each so
that at least 9" of the runner is over-hanging the front of
the box, then attach the left runner to the box, use a
square to position it perpendicular to the rear side of the
box. Fasten the second runner parallel to the first so the
base of your circular saw will fit between the runners.
Apply paste wax to the surface of the runners. Adjust the depth of your saw to just
cut into the base of the box, place the saw on the runners
and make a cut through the box . Place the material in the
box against the back , align the position of the cut to be
made with the slot in the box. Place the saw on the runners,
hold the wood in position making sure your fingers are
outside the runner and push the saw along the runners
through the material making sure the saw clears the back
side so the blade guard closes over the blade. Cutting Long Boards When cutting long boards fasten the
box to a plank supported by two sawhorses, lay strips of
wood the thickness of the base across the plank outboard
from the box to support the ends of the board. Place a stop
block on one end to cut multiple boards the same